Aktion Farbtopf (Project Paintbrush) was a competition run from March to July 2001 at Mummy's Creatures with the aim of creating a large library of C2 norns in various specified colours.
There were seven categories of norn colouration (translated links are in parentheses):
- Blauer Planet (Blue Planet)
- Glitzer-Disco (Glitter Disco)
- Grüne Insel (Green Island)
- Herbstgarten (Autumn Garden)
- Lila Traumland (Lilac Dreamland)
- Rosarote Wolke (Rose-pink Cloud)
- Villa Kunterbunt (House of Many Colours)
As mentioned in the overview (translation), the entries could be natural or genetically engineered.
All categories were well-represented, and there were many contributors; however, Mummy reserved a special award for Amanora, Nimue and Zauberfee, who contributed to all seven categories.