The Creatures Community Spirit Festival 2006 celebrated the 10th anniversary of the Creatures series and, strangely enough, the spirit of the Creatures Community. The festival's coordinators were Don and Liam, with lots of help from malkin, KnyteTrypper, Moe and Erin.
The main events started on Sunday, July 31st, 2006 and ran for approximately 2 months. The festival theme was Celebration and Surprise.
Released Items[]
- The Akatora Norns by Trix with genetics by Kaelis Ra
- The Rainbow Norns by NornenMeister
- The Easter Bunny Norns and Snake Norns by Trix
- The Tetra Ettins and Demon Dragonfly Ettins, also by Trix
- The Ettins of Minimordor, a servile, immortal genetic Ettin breed, and the Grendels of Minimordor, a highly modified version of the Grendel genome, both by Minisauron
- The Namoran Ettins and Natatory Grendels by KnyteTrypper
- The Sleepy Sheep, Bunny Milk Vendor, Frog Cookie Vendor, Warptek Gremlin Slime Vendor, Trix Ettin Dolls, Liam SDR Dolls, and Cyan Witch Doll by Trix, all found at the Universe of Ettins.
- Jennie's Gifts - immortality and eternal youth for C3/DS, by Jennie.
- Terra Pluvialis, a new jungle-style metaroom by Liam, Moe, and zareb
- The Aquatilis Pod by Liam, a smaller version of Aquatilis Caverna for those lacking the resources to run the full version
- Version 2 of Aquatilis Caverna, fixing most bugs and including the addition of CAs and an intro screen
- The Burrows, a conversion of the Terra Nornia world to Docking Station by clohse.
- The Mermaid Caves beta 0.9 - the inspiration for Aquatilis Caverna.
- Nornhulu, a new Lovecraft-themed metaroom by zareb
- The Grendel Hideout, a Grendel themed room by Nirax and Liam.
- Parts 1 and 2 of the article Ten Things You Need for Your DS World by KnyteTrypper
- The Best of Ask Laura, selected by the agony aunt herself
- Metacore, A History (five parts), Creating a Metaroom (seven parts), and Organising a Development Team, all by Liam
- Photoshop Metaroom Background Tutorial by zareb
- Room Modeling Basics Tutorial by Moe
- A Guide to Mac Agenteering by Sarako
- Bryce 5 Overview by Moe
- A Beginner's Guide to easyPRAY by Shadowveil
- A Quick Fix for Fastagers! by KnyteTrypper
- Installing Addons for the Mac OS X by Don, based on information from this article
- Mac Exodus Catalogue Fix by Gulli
- Revamp of Trix's site, Universe of Ettins
- The Creature Repository, a new searchable large-scale adoption site by ElasticMuffin
- Mizgiwir's flash Norn
- Interviews with malkin [1], Alien [2], Addman [3], Laura [4], zareb [5], and Dan [6]
Competitions and Contests[]
Similarly to the 2005 CCSF, several competitions were planned, but never launched.