Creatures Wiki

The Creatures Wikia is a cooperative attempt to record information of use to the Creatures Community. Yes, that's a broad statement! If it's related in any way to the Creatures series, chances are it's worth mentioning on the Wiki. There are 3,401 pages right now, but we could always do with more! You can make that happen.


Official policies which serve as rules governing what should or should not be put on the wiki can be found at the project guidelines. Read these, as they are very important!


In addition to the guidelines, please remember the following things as you work to improve the wiki:

Keep it appropriate[]

Remember the rating, or Pai Gon will thwap you with her starry wand of pain!

Please remember that this is a site about a game intended for children, and we are very likely to have 8, 9 or 10-year-olds surfing around the wiki. Write appropriately!

Keep to the truth[]

When you're looking for Creatures-related info, you almost certainly expect tips and information you find to be accurate and reliable. On the Creatures Wiki we'd like to keep it that way. Make sure that, unless an article's tone is deliberately humorous, you don't add anything untrue or misleading to it.

Thank you for reading. :-)


There are several forms of statistics that can be viewed if you're interested:

  • The wikistats give a good idea of how we're doing.
  • Google Analytics is used to monitor sitewide web usage patterns, and gives a variety of information on how users get to the wiki, where they go, and much much more. Please contact GreenReaper if you want access to these (you need to get a GMail or other google account first).
  • The Alexa stats give another idea of how the site is being used, although the ranking covers the whole of wikicities.
  • Cwiki Statistics gives us an idea of how many pages we have, how many pictures we have, and how well-used the wiki is.

The wiki also scores a 5 on the Google PageRank calculator - pretty nifty for a fan site!
