- Steve's interview with Salon.com
- Steve's interview with New Scientist.com archived (Malkin: Note the date!)
- Steve's interview with some random person called Rene Howard
- Steve's interview with Sue Wilcox (biotoa.org)
- NPR Virtual Pets interview (also includes Richard Dawkins)
- Interview with Chip Hinshaw of Artificial Death
- [http://web.archive.org/20050329090428/www.freewebs.com/alimaggs/creaturescouk/Creaturescouk/www.creatures.co.uk/Newstand/mediabox/movies/ns_media_interviews_toby.htm
- Creatures 2 (with Richard Dawkins)
- Interview with Nintendo Insider hosted at Albia 2000
Groups of the Creatures Community:
- Wired interview with Rob Sedgebeer, Alexander Laemmle, Aquinoctria (aka Cali, creator of Norns, Etc - not to be confused with Creatures etc.), Nooga and November
HomeCreatures interviews with employees:
- Dominique Whitman - interview
- Paul Dobson - interview
- Francis Irving - interview
- Mark Ashton - interview
- Lisa de Araujo - interview
- Howard Newmark - interview
- Eric Goodwin - interview
- Ben Campbell - interview
- Daniel Silverstone - interview
- Ashley Harman - interview
- Steve Grand - interview (and leaving special: [1] - [2])
- Peter Chilvers - interview
- Helen Burchmore - interview
- Creatures Wiki is given a couple of paragraphs in a Wall Street Journal article about Wikicities