Creatures Wiki


Official instructions from the Gameware article:

  1. Download the package from a mirror
  2. Extract the package: tar xvfj dockingstation_195_64.tar.bz2
  3. Go into the folder: cd dockingstation_195_64
  4. Run ./dstation-install
  5. Then run dockingstation nocheck to play the game

Linux Game Publishing Instructions

The file at Linux Game Publishing is a .run file instead of a .tar.bz2 file. So, instead of the instructions above:

  1. Download the package
  2. Run
  3. Then run dockingstation nocheck to play the game


trap: 119: SIGINT: bad trap

When running ./ds_install, you may get the error trap: 119: SIGINT: bad trap. This can mean that either a) you're not root or b) the script couldn't relaunch itself. If you're not root, run sudo ./dstation-install or get the administrator to do it. If the script needed to relaunch, just run it again. (if you're running ubuntu you have to log in as root, "sudo su" won't work.)

dirname: missing operand

When running dockingstation, you may get the error dirname: missing operand. To fix this, run:

 export DS_BIN="`whereis dockingstation | awk '{print $2}'`"
 sed -i s/11/10/ "`ls -l $DS_BIN | awk '{print $10}'`"

Then run dockingstation as usual.

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