Creatures Wiki

A Lobe is part of a Brain. Each lobe has an x, y, width and height coordinate, giving it a unique position in the 64x48 grid of the brain.

A lobe contains neurons.

The lobes in a Creatures 1 norn are as follows (this also applies to most of the other Cyberlife/Creature Labs-provided creatures):

Number Name X Y Width Height Neurones
0 Perception 4 13 7 16 112
1 Drive 34 30 8 2 16
2 Source 15 24 8 5 40
3 Verb 37 24 8 2 16
4 Noun 21 3 20 2 40
5 General Sense 32 34 8 4 32
6 Decision 53 15 1 16 16
7 Attention 44 30 5 8 40
8 Concept 12 6 40 16 640
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