The Rainbow Doozi Collection is a COB and a set of Doozer-like creatures made by Rick Krebs and Wafuru and available at the Adventures in Nornsitting site. They do different things depending on the color.
From the ReadMe[]
Each variety squawks a different group of words from the vocabulary of Albia.
Purple Doozies love to eat both varieties of cactus seeds showing their joy by also squawking a word.
Orange Doozies enjoy eating Death Caps, but do not eat the stems (use the weed-b-gone cob to totally remove weeds).
White Doozies are the most social of the varieties and squawk a word when they meet another Doozi or Doozer.
Blue Doozies love eating tomatoes and acorns (nuts) but do nothing to the plants.
Red Doozies enjoy playing with the red & white ball and green tennis balls found lying around Albia.
Yellow Doozies like to eat potatos and gnats.
Green Doozies like to eat ants.