Creatures Wiki

Toxic Norn

The Toxic Norns are a rather special breed created by Creature Labs. You could only buy the Toxic Norn Pack from the Creatures Mall. As of 2013, Toxics, along with other Mall Breeds are unavailable, with no indication when they will be back.

Species Specifics[]

As described in the Toxic Norn Story, Toxic Norns are quite partial to detritus and just love a bacteria-filled environment. Indeed, it is important not to try to keep them "healthy" in the normal way, as doing so is likely to be bad for them. For this reason it is not often possible to mix Toxic Norns and other norn breeds - one or the other is likely to be very unhappy with their environment! This can result in norns that cannot survive, such as cross-breeds that instinctively eat detritus but can't digest it. As much of the food in the Docking Station Norn Meso is filled with cures, it is best to raise your Toxic Norns elsewhere.

Did you Know? Twilight and the Wyvern's Lodge both have agents to help you care for your Toxic Norns. Also, if you're looking for a bit of extra room to keep your Toxic Norns in, the Garbage Dump metaroom would be an excellent addition to your world. Manky, such as the Yule Booze, is also very healthy for Toxic Norns, while not being particularly bad for other norns.

Toxins that Toxic Norns like[]

  • Antigens
  • Carbon monoxide
  • Cyanide
  • ATP Decoupler
  • Geddonase
  • Glycotoxin
  • Histamines
  • Fever and sleep toxin
  • Muscle toxin
  • Alcohol

Cures that harm Toxic Norns (not a complete list)[]

  • Antibodies
  • Antihistamines
  • Medicine One
  • EDTA

Toxic Norn Pack items[]

External links[]
