Vulkanausbruch in Albia (aka Vulcanic Eruption in Albia) is one of the first worlds by NornenMeister and has been released November, 11th, 2005.
The story tells the Grendels have made the volcano erupt so that some places in Albia got radioactively contaminated. Moreover, temperatures have risen considerably and can amount up to 60 degrees Celsius. This world has been died reddishly, lava lumps lie around everywhere, and even the sun in the sky seems to explode. Suitable for this world, there are the Vulcana Norns, with a genome that makes them immune against radioactivity and heat. Otherwise caution is recommended, this world can get dangerous for your creatures!
Vulkanausbruch in Albia (Vulcanic Eruption in Albia) also runs under The Albian Years.